"Visions" at Button Factory

Searching For Venus

What You Do With What You Do
Two of my mixed media's will be on display at the Button Factory in Waterloo, Ontario Canada. Have you ever visited the Kitchener/Waterloo Region of Ontario? There are some wonderful places to visit and this old former Button Factory is one of them. I've read all about the history and it really WAS a Button Factory! The first time I dropped off a painting for jurying to a show in this charming venue, I was quite surprised at what a unique and wonderful gem of a gallery it was, hidden away in Waterloo! So many creative items for sale, and not just art. If you live in the area at all and happen to want an interesting place to go and browse or even pick up art for your home or office, this place has some fascinating things to see! My show at the Button Factory runs until February 17, 2018. Hope to see you there!