My painting called "A Day In The Life of A Harely Man" was chosen to be part of this large and very exciting show in the spectacular location of Grand Bend, Ontario along the shores of Lake Huron. The gorgeous Museum is nestled among beautiful large trees so before you even enter the building, one is greeted by the serenity of nature. The Lambton Heritage Museum opened in 1978 and was established to “preserve and interpret the history of Lambton County”. Owned and operated by the County of Lambton, they welcome residents and visitors to come explore and discover stories of Lambton County. If you are visiting Grand Bend, I hope you get a chance to check out PAINT ONTARIO but its also a wonderful place to explore in the spring/summer. There's a Blacksmith shop, a Pioneer Home and even an old 1899 schoolhouse. There's even a little church from the 1800's! I'm so happy to be part of such a wonderful show and I know I will be going back in the summer, camera in hand, to do a little more exploring!